Happy Birthday Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche. Wish you long life and spread Dorling Dharma far out and help more sentient beings. 祝福仁波切生曰快樂,健康長壽,宏揚多林傳承,利益更多有情眾。
堪祖蘇南給稱仁波切(布薩祖古Busa Trulku) ,由世界上最快樂的不丹來台灣後,深切感受到台灣許多弟子因為曰常生活或工作壓力等因素而不快樂,又因無法找到合適方式來調適內心而導致產生許多生活上的障礙、困難。 如果我們學會一些禪修減壓方法(呼吸、調氣、觀想等),再加上正面的思考方式,自己就可以幫助自己,同時也可以幫助他人。
First day of Thousand hand Buddha 3 days re-treat starting this morning. Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche leading disciples taking vows.
Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche has returned to Taiwan on this special Guru Rinpoche Day April 10th Tibetian calendar and conducted the special smoke pray puja and guru Tshok. Rinpoche has made his great wishes to all disciples and sponsors. And wishes all the best, mind peaceful and healthy long-life.堪祖蘇南給稱仁波切今天返回台灣,並且在今天特別藏曆4月10蓮師證悟曰舉行蓮師特別除障煙供及蓮師薈供。功德迴向一切多林傳承弟子,功德主及一切有情眾。祝福大家吉祥如意。
Khentrul Rinpoche continuously pray Dorling treasure sutra Bodhisattva for the deceased in afternoon at HK. 仁波切慈悲,下午繼續以多林㐲藏普救惡趣觀音法來超渡往生者。