New year butter lamp offering pray and chacha at Busa Wangdue Goenpa Bhutan by Nawang Tenzin Rinpoche. Also Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen has spray blessing dharma pills water to ocean and make great wishes to help those ocean beings to have chance to connect Buddhism next lives. All merits today dedicated to Dorji Linpa Lineage disciples sponsors and all sentient beings.
堪祖蘇南給稱仁波切祝福台灣人民於新的一年,一切吉祥如意,平安健康。仁波切說台灣人是很有福報的國家,大家同心協力,把地震災害減到最低,新的一年啓始,台灣一切會順利平安吉祥。仁波切由衷祝福台灣。明天新年第一天,布薩旺度寺全體僧眾會點千燈、誦太歲經,供舎利塔擦擦,修長壽佛及在喜馬拉雅山閉關中心施放風馬旗。請大家初一早上也一起點燈祈福。Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche has sent his great blessing and good wishes to Taiwanese people. Because Taiwan has great blessing and good merits so the earthquake damage can be reduced to the minimum and also Taiwan people good mind and help each other to reduce the damage and saving lives. Khentrul Rinpoche makes great good wishes to all people in Taiwan HK, China and Bhutan. Wish all have a peaceful healthy and successful year of 2016. Busa Wangdue Goenpa will start new year ceremony including butter lamp offering, stupa Cha Cha, long life pray and raising good wishes flag up at Himalaya mountain. Best regards to all.