Amitaba Buddha puja and Empowerment conducted by Busa Trulku at Rukugi village and there are over 1000 village people attend the pray and ceremony. and get Busa Trulku blessing. Renpoche wish all village people can help and work together to re-build the lama elementary school. Renpoche thanks for Taiwan Dorji Lingpa Buddhist Center sponsors and disciples help to achieve our goal and to help more small children monks and spreading doling dharma. Thanks for all help and wish everyone happy and mind peace.
堪祖蘇南給稱仁波切於11月7曰在布薩旺度寺舉行六天阿彌陀佛西方浄土襌修法的最後一天法會。法會共有千名的村民全程參與修法。法會同曰舉行黑怒母薈供(Thruema Choe Tshok,本尊為空行法本智海生(Khandro Yeshey Tshokey;傍晚舉行長壽佛灌頂。
蘇南給稱仁波切於Busa Wangdue Goenpa 的阿彌陀佛竹千法會 (Nam Dag Dechen Zhingdrup from Nov 2 – 6 )已經於今晚台灣時間10pm 圓滿。今天下午仁波切也進行殊聖的超渡法會。