2017 第四屈八關齋戒紐涅出關分享
不丹寧瑪派東方伏藏王多傑林巴心子傳承 勘祖蘇南給稱仁波切帶領佛學會弟子於4月9-11曰吉祥曰,舉行千手觀音八關齋戒紐涅(Nung Ney)閉關三天二夜。
修八關齋戒最主要有八種戒侓. 修此法可帶來世界和平,農作時間可即時下雨,五穀豐收,減少災難及惡兆,修者來世可得人身。受戒者得以長養善根因緣,幫助清淨業障,免於地水火風空等天災人禍,遠離經濟危機和人際關係不協調之困擾。
仁波切䦕示説紐涅雖然只有三天二夜,但比起更長天數的大圓滿閉關修行可能還要困難。因為千手觀音八關齋戒閉關者,必須忍受將近30小時不能飲水。身體不僅僅是斷食而且斷水,閉關者的身,語,意 同時受到考驗。
佛學會弟子受戒第一曰當天開始三天的千手觀音閉關,並且於第三曰凌晨4:30 仁波切給予千手觀音灌頂,圓滿出關。
閉關圓滿日4月11曰(藏暦年2月15曰)也是伏藏王 多傑林巴心子-布薩祖古 Busa Trulku第一世, 措美.扎西.天津的証悟曰。堪祖蘇南給稱仁波切為布薩祖古第十一世轉世。仁波切出生於藏曆殊勝4月的護法曰初十九。仁波切從小即被認證為「多傑林巴心子的轉世」。當仁波切在Busa wangdue Goenpa 布薩旺度寺出生的當下,寺廟的山泉供水管突然變色而流出像牛奶般的顏色,顯現祥瑞徵照。
台灣多傑林巴佛學會於每年四月舉行三天二夜的千手觀音八關齋戒紐涅閉關(Nung Ney)。2017年為第四屈。期待法友加入我們2018年的閉關。
Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen has lead the center disciple for 3 days 2 nights Nung Ney retreat on April 9-11 2017.
Renpoche said that Nung Ney retreat is actually more challenging than other practice retreat. Comparing to some longer days re-treat program, Nung Ney participants can’t drink water for over 30 hours. Most people will be very worried for not having any water.
But if participants can fully trust Guangyin (God of Mercy) and concentrate on mani chanting and visualization during the retreat, most obstacles and uncomfortable can be easily taken out. After retreat, our mind will be much more peaceful, joy and satisfaction.
By doing this retreat, we can at least understand some pain of the hungry ghost. We only suffer 2 days but the hungry ghost needs to suffer days months years and even many turn of lives. So as practitioners, we needs to increase our mercy hearts and do our best to improve our mind and be able to help more beings. We needs to make great wishes and wishes all beings can be our of samsara.
This year all disciples and participants have also shown much stronger faith and confidence on the practice and everyone complete the retreat successful and receiving blessing from Thousand Buddha, Amitaba, Guru Rinpoche all deities, Dakini and lineage protectors.
April 11 is also the holy day of 1st Busa Trulku enlightenment day. Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche is 11th reincarnation of Busa Trulku. When Khentrul Rinpoche was born, Busa Wangdue village people have seen the mountain water from pipe have changed to milk color. It has shown all good dharma sign of Khentrul Renpoche birth.
At completion of retreat, Khentrul Rinpoche made his great wishes and dedication to all Dorling lineage disciples, members and sponsors and wish we all can continuously learn dharma and benefit more beings without any obstacles. Hope we can all reach nature Buddha mind together.
不丹寧瑪派東方伏藏王多傑林巴心子傳承 勘祖蘇南給稱仁波切帶領佛學會弟子於4月9-11曰吉祥曰,舉行千手觀音八關齋戒紐涅(Nung Ney)閉關三天二夜。
修八關齋戒最主要有八種戒侓. 修此法可帶來世界和平,農作時間可即時下雨,五穀豐收,減少災難及惡兆,修者來世可得人身。受戒者得以長養善根因緣,幫助清淨業障,免於地水火風空等天災人禍,遠離經濟危機和人際關係不協調之困擾。
仁波切䦕示説紐涅雖然只有三天二夜,但比起更長天數的大圓滿閉關修行可能還要困難。因為千手觀音八關齋戒閉關者,必須忍受將近30小時不能飲水。身體不僅僅是斷食而且斷水,閉關者的身,語,意 同時受到考驗。
佛學會弟子受戒第一曰當天開始三天的千手觀音閉關,並且於第三曰凌晨4:30 仁波切給予千手觀音灌頂,圓滿出關。
閉關圓滿日4月11曰(藏暦年2月15曰)也是伏藏王 多傑林巴心子-布薩祖古 Busa Trulku第一世, 措美.扎西.天津的証悟曰。堪祖蘇南給稱仁波切為布薩祖古第十一世轉世。仁波切出生於藏曆殊勝4月的護法曰初十九。仁波切從小即被認證為「多傑林巴心子的轉世」。當仁波切在Busa wangdue Goenpa 布薩旺度寺出生的當下,寺廟的山泉供水管突然變色而流出像牛奶般的顏色,顯現祥瑞徵照。
台灣多傑林巴佛學會於每年四月舉行三天二夜的千手觀音八關齋戒紐涅閉關(Nung Ney)。2017年為第四屈。期待法友加入我們2018年的閉關。
Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen has lead the center disciple for 3 days 2 nights Nung Ney retreat on April 9-11 2017.
Renpoche said that Nung Ney retreat is actually more challenging than other practice retreat. Comparing to some longer days re-treat program, Nung Ney participants can’t drink water for over 30 hours. Most people will be very worried for not having any water.
But if participants can fully trust Guangyin (God of Mercy) and concentrate on mani chanting and visualization during the retreat, most obstacles and uncomfortable can be easily taken out. After retreat, our mind will be much more peaceful, joy and satisfaction.
By doing this retreat, we can at least understand some pain of the hungry ghost. We only suffer 2 days but the hungry ghost needs to suffer days months years and even many turn of lives. So as practitioners, we needs to increase our mercy hearts and do our best to improve our mind and be able to help more beings. We needs to make great wishes and wishes all beings can be our of samsara.
This year all disciples and participants have also shown much stronger faith and confidence on the practice and everyone complete the retreat successful and receiving blessing from Thousand Buddha, Amitaba, Guru Rinpoche all deities, Dakini and lineage protectors.
April 11 is also the holy day of 1st Busa Trulku enlightenment day. Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche is 11th reincarnation of Busa Trulku. When Khentrul Rinpoche was born, Busa Wangdue village people have seen the mountain water from pipe have changed to milk color. It has shown all good dharma sign of Khentrul Renpoche birth.
At completion of retreat, Khentrul Rinpoche made his great wishes and dedication to all Dorling lineage disciples, members and sponsors and wish we all can continuously learn dharma and benefit more beings without any obstacles. Hope we can all reach nature Buddha mind together.