2016年8月13日下午2:00伏藏普巴金剛除障長壽法會,此曰為蓮花生大士60年一次的殊勝日初十,台灣多傑林巴佛學會即將公開發行「Great Mercy Heart大悲千手觀音
大悲千手觀音為悲心的給化現。對於佛法行者, 如果沒有悲心則修行無法究竟。 台灣為大悲觀音的化土,法緣非常深厚。 因為宿世有本尊的佛緣, 實修儀軌或持誦大悲咒,容易相應得到加持。
大悲觀音有長咒及短咒。 是為八萬四千法門的精華,能斷六道投生種子而得解脫。尤其是實修士,若無菩提心則無法得解脫。 菩提心及悲心為解脫的根本。
除了持頌大悲觀音心咒外,唱誦咒語的調子有很大的功效。 大悲觀音的「瑪尼調」, 有緣聽到者,能結下解脫的種子及法緣。 此調是由吉祥比丘尼於圓寂那一霎挪到達地獄時, 唱頌了八關齋戒紐涅嘛尼調。 此時地獄的油鍋、鐵屋都破裂, 凡是跟她有佛緣的地獄眾生,瞬間都被她帶到了普陀觀音勝地。
所以信心強烈者, 這世如果能夠多修行及持頌八關齋戒嘛尼調及千手觀音大悲咒, 障礙能夠減少, 死亡當下本尊出現而到逹淨土得解脫。
On August 13 of 2016 in afternoon at 2pm, Dorling center Taiwan will announce and release the brand new CD of Great Mercy Heart Om Mani Padme Hung. The day of Aug 13 is also Guru Rinpoche holy day of 10th and is the Guru Rinpoche birthday of Fire monkey year, only happening every 60 years. We are welcome you to join our special Dorling Treasure Phuba deity ceremony and empowerment in Taipei Taiwan.
The Thousand-Hand Guanyin Buddha is a representation of the Mercy Heart and the bodhisattva of mercy and compassion.
Having a mercy heart is vitally important for Buddhist practitioners as without a mercy heart it is very difficult to reach the highest levels of Buddhist practice.
Taiwan is regarded as one of the sacred Guanyin lands with a deep connection to Guangyin. With such a strong connection, Taiwan practitioners listening to the Guangyin mantra and praying for Guanyin can more readily and more deeply connect to Guanyin and receive benefits of their Buddhist practice.
Thousand Hand Guangyin Buddha has both short and long versions of the mantra. The mantra contain the essence of 84,000 Buddha teachings which when chanted can help practitioners to break the cycle and release from the endless wheel of Samsara.
Mercy heart is the base foundation of the path to reach the nature Buddha mind.
In addition to the words of the mantra the tune itself is also very important.
In this CD we include Mani tunes originating from Nun Gyelongma Pelmo . Listening to these tunes will help the listener to plant the seeds of the Dharma to break the wheel of Samsara.
When Nun Gyelongma Pelmo died she was sent to hell to try to rescue tormented spirits. She sang this Mani tunes to release those spirits from the tortures of hell. On their release those spirits with a connection to her and Guangyin went with her to the Guanyin land.
Practitioners with a strong faith to practice the Dharma, who undertake the Nyungney (fasting silence retreat practice ) and chant praying the Mani tunes will more easily find their way to the Buddha Land when they pass away.
大悲千手觀音為悲心的給化現。對於佛法行者, 如果沒有悲心則修行無法究竟。 台灣為大悲觀音的化土,法緣非常深厚。 因為宿世有本尊的佛緣, 實修儀軌或持誦大悲咒,容易相應得到加持。
大悲觀音有長咒及短咒。 是為八萬四千法門的精華,能斷六道投生種子而得解脫。尤其是實修士,若無菩提心則無法得解脫。 菩提心及悲心為解脫的根本。
除了持頌大悲觀音心咒外,唱誦咒語的調子有很大的功效。 大悲觀音的「瑪尼調」, 有緣聽到者,能結下解脫的種子及法緣。 此調是由吉祥比丘尼於圓寂那一霎挪到達地獄時, 唱頌了八關齋戒紐涅嘛尼調。 此時地獄的油鍋、鐵屋都破裂, 凡是跟她有佛緣的地獄眾生,瞬間都被她帶到了普陀觀音勝地。
所以信心強烈者, 這世如果能夠多修行及持頌八關齋戒嘛尼調及千手觀音大悲咒, 障礙能夠減少, 死亡當下本尊出現而到逹淨土得解脫。
On August 13 of 2016 in afternoon at 2pm, Dorling center Taiwan will announce and release the brand new CD of Great Mercy Heart Om Mani Padme Hung. The day of Aug 13 is also Guru Rinpoche holy day of 10th and is the Guru Rinpoche birthday of Fire monkey year, only happening every 60 years. We are welcome you to join our special Dorling Treasure Phuba deity ceremony and empowerment in Taipei Taiwan.
The Thousand-Hand Guanyin Buddha is a representation of the Mercy Heart and the bodhisattva of mercy and compassion.
Having a mercy heart is vitally important for Buddhist practitioners as without a mercy heart it is very difficult to reach the highest levels of Buddhist practice.
Taiwan is regarded as one of the sacred Guanyin lands with a deep connection to Guangyin. With such a strong connection, Taiwan practitioners listening to the Guangyin mantra and praying for Guanyin can more readily and more deeply connect to Guanyin and receive benefits of their Buddhist practice.
Thousand Hand Guangyin Buddha has both short and long versions of the mantra. The mantra contain the essence of 84,000 Buddha teachings which when chanted can help practitioners to break the cycle and release from the endless wheel of Samsara.
Mercy heart is the base foundation of the path to reach the nature Buddha mind.
In addition to the words of the mantra the tune itself is also very important.
In this CD we include Mani tunes originating from Nun Gyelongma Pelmo . Listening to these tunes will help the listener to plant the seeds of the Dharma to break the wheel of Samsara.
When Nun Gyelongma Pelmo died she was sent to hell to try to rescue tormented spirits. She sang this Mani tunes to release those spirits from the tortures of hell. On their release those spirits with a connection to her and Guangyin went with her to the Guanyin land.
Practitioners with a strong faith to practice the Dharma, who undertake the Nyungney (fasting silence retreat practice ) and chant praying the Mani tunes will more easily find their way to the Buddha Land when they pass away.