Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche has conducted the first stage of medication teaching at Taiwan Weichuan foods recreation farm place. In his teaching today, Rinpoche emphasized the importance of 7 seating position, and 2 ways of controlling your mind practice and also share the key 6 points to create a good medication causes so a practitioners can improve his/her medication practice to achieve a great perfection outcome and can easily reach nature Buddha mind.
Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche made great wishes and dedication to all disciples, members ,sponsors and all sentient beings. Thanks for all support to Dorji Lingpa lineage. 仁波切在今天21度母破陣法做總功德迴向給多傑林巴傳承所有弟子,會員,功德主及一切眾生。謝謝大家所有的協助。祝福大家吉祥如意。